If your FileThis Pro client is setup to store documents in the FileThis Cloud, then you will be able to see and access these documents through the FileThis Pro admin portal. However, you may wish to keep a backup copy of these files locally on your computer or some other storage location. To download all or some of a client's documents, do the following:
- Login to your FileThis Pro account as an administrator (https://filethispro.com).
- In the "Clients" view, click on the folder icon to the immediate left of the "Email Address" field of the client you wish to download the documents for:
- In the Client view, first check the box for each of the account folders you wish to download the documents for, or check the box at the top (next to the word "Account") to select all account folders. Once you have selected the account folders from which you wish to download documents, click on the download icon (arrow "2") to begin the download process:
- Depending on how many documents your client has, the process may take a few minutes. Once the process is complete, you will find a zipped folder containing the documents you have selected for download in the location you have setup for downloads on your computer.
- If you wish to download the documents from more than one client, you will need to repeat the process for each client. For clarity, be sure to name the zipped folders of each client as they are downloaded to your computer.