If you are using the FileThis Cloud as your document storage, you can quickly upload documents by emailing them to your FileThis account. This is particularly convenient when forwarding documents you receive via email. If the email itself is the document—as is the case with an emailed receipt—you can simply forward the email to your account. When you upload documents in this manner, you can specify the cabinet and tags for the documents as well.
Note: FileThis accepts files in PDF, Word, Excel, and PowerPoint formats (indicated by pdf, doc, docx, xls, xlsx, ppt, and pptx file extensions) and images in JPEG, TIFF, Bitmap, GIF, Pict, PNG, and Photoshop format (jpg, tiff, bmp, gif, pct, png, and psd).
Finding Your Upload Email Address
When emailing documents to your account, use the “m.filethis.com” email address assigned to you. To see this email address:
- Login to your account from a browser.
- Click the Documents tab.
- Click the Upload button at left.
- The email address is shown in the left column.
Emailing Documents to Your Account
- Create a new email.
- Address the email according to your upload email address.
- Attach the documents to the email. If the email is the document, as is the case with iTunes receipts, you can simply forward the email.
- Use the subject line to specify a cabinet and labels for all the emailed documents. (See the next section for details.)
- Send the email.
Working with Cabinets and Labels while Emailing Documents
When you email documents to your FileThis account, you can specify a cabinet and labels for the documents. The cabinets and labels you specify will override FileThis’ attempt to select a cabinet and apply labels based on content.
- Specifying a Cabinet for Emailed Documents: When you email documents to your account, you can specify an existing cabinet to put all of them in. To do this, type the cabinet name in the email’s subject line, preceded by an @ symbol. For example, @Home as an email’s subject line places all the attached documents in the Home cabinet. Tip: You can include a standard subject line in the email, then specify a cabinet with the @ symbol. FileThis will ignore text prior to the first @.
- Specifying Labels for Emailed Documents: You can also apply an existing label to all the attachments in an email. To do this, type the label name in the email’s subject line, preceded by a # sign. For example, #Appliances applies the Appliances label to all the attached documents. You can apply multiple labels by including another # sign. For example, #Appliances #Kitchen applies both the Appliances and Kitchen labels to the documents.
- Specifying a Cabinet and Labels for Emailed Documents: As you email documents to your account, you can put them in a cabinet and apply labels at the same time. For example, if you have a receipt you want to place in the Home cabinet with both the Appliances and Kitchen labels, you would use: @Home #Appliances #Kitchen.
The email shown below sends a copy of an Apple Store receipt received via email to the Business cabinet and assigns it the Design tag. This will make the document easy to find at tax time.