Anytime you need a file or hard copy of a document that is stored in FileThis, you can download it. If you choose multiple documents to download, FileThis downloads them together as a ZIP file. The documents remain in your FileThis Cloud.

Tip: To download files from the FileThis mobile app, email them to yourself or the intended recipient.


To download files:

  1. Login to FileThis from a browser.
  2. In the FileThis window, search for the document(s) you want to download.
  3. In the Grid view, select the document(s) you want to download.
    • Click to select a single document.
    • Shift+click or drag to select contiguous documents.
    • Command/Ctrl+click to select noncontiguous documents.
  4. Click the Download button at the top of the window.
  5. Navigate to the location on your computer where you’d like to save the document(s) and click Save.
  6. If you downloaded multiple documents, double-click the ZIP file to unstuff the documents.

If you select a single document to download, FileThis uses the file name. If you select multiple documents, the default name is