If you decide to cancel your FileThis paid subscription, your account will revert to a free Basic plan. With a Basic plan, FileThis fetches documents for six connections once per week and provides 500 MB of storage space. If you have subscribed to the Ultimate plan, another option is for you to downgrade your plan to Premium.

Canceling Your Subscription

  1. Login to FileThis from a browser.
  2. Click your name in the upper-right corner of the FileThis window.
  3. Select Subscription from the menu.
  4. Click Cancel Subscription in the Subscription dialog box.
  5. In the Confirmation dialog box, click OK.
  6. In the Success dialog box, click OK.
  7. Click Done to close the Subscription dialog box. 

You will receive an email confirming the cancellation.


Accessing Documents After Cancellation

Your current FileThis subscription remains in effect through the current term (the month, year, or three years) you paid for. A confirmation email lists the day your subscription expires. Once your account expires, your FileThis account reverts to the Basic plan:

  • Connections: If you had set up more than six connections, the first six connections you created remain active. The additional connections remain in FileThis and will activate automatically if you upgrade your plan.
  • Storage space: If you use the FileThis Cloud for document storage, and you are using more than 500 MB of storage space, all your documents remain in your account. However, you will not be able to add new documents, including documents fetched for you.

Downgrading Your Subscription

To downgrade your subscription from the Ultimate plan to the Premium plan, click Change My Plan in the Subscription dialog box. Then, click Downgrade Plan under Premium.

If you downgrade to Premium, the first 12 connections you created remain active. The additional connections remain in FileThis and will activate automatically if you upgrade your plan. If your documents are stored on the FileThis Cloud, and you are using more than 1 GB of storage space, all your documents remain in your account. However, you will not be able to add new documents, including documents fetched for you.