You can change your FileThis login email address or your name using a browser or the FileThis app. To do this, you change your Profile in the browser or change your User Account Settings in the app.

Changing Your Profile from a Browser

To change your email address or name:

  1. Login to FileThis from a browser.
  2. Click your name in the upper-right corner of the FileThis window.
  3. Select Profile from the menu.
  4. Make any changes in the Edit Profile area of the Profile tab.
  5. Click Save Changes, and then click Done.

If you changed your email address, use it for all future logins.


Changing Your User Account Settings in the App

To change your email address or name:

  1. Login to FileThis from the app.
  2. Swipe left to display the app screen. [does this black screen have a name?]
  3. Tap Settings.
  4. Make any changes in the User Account area.
  5. Tap the FileThis icon in the upper-left corner to save your changes and return to app screen.
If you changed your email address, use it for all future logins.