You can change the destination for your collected documents at any time. After changing your destination, FileThis will begin storing all newly collected documents in the new destination.

Tip: If you want to store all your documents in a single location, you may want to download all your documents from your existing destination—before you change your FileThis destination. You can then manually add those documents to your new destination. For example, if you are changing your destination from Dropbox to Google Drive, download the documents from Dropbox, and then change your FileThis destination to Google Drive. Once FileThis fetches documents for your connections, all the folders will be set up and you can manually add your old documents. 

Selecting a New Destination

Using a browser: To change the destination for your collected documents, click your name in the upper right side of the FileThis window and select Storage from the menu items. Select a different option in the Storage area and authorize it.

Using the FileThis mobile app: Tap the menu in the upper-left corner, tap Destination, then tap the option you prefer.

See "Selecting Your Destination" for details on the available destinations.

Fetching Documents for a New Destination

When you select a destination, FileThis fetches documents as follows:

Three Years: When you first select a destination, FileThis fetches documents from the past three years for each connection (if available).

One Month: When you switch to a different destination, FileThis fetches documents from the past month for each connection. Any documents fetched previously remain in their previous location.

All Documents: You can always ask FileThis to Fetch All Documents for a connection.